Should a Machine Shop Have a Blog?
I am revising my opinion about machine shops and blogging . Here's why. I am revising my opinion about machine shops and blogging. When I wrote about social media and machining businesses in this commentary, I discouraged shops from launching a blog. What I said in that commentary is still true: Blogs are easy to launch, but also easy to do badly if not given sufficient attention. However, a different argument—and to my mind, a persuasive one—comes from The company recently developed this knowledge center about machine-shop marketing for US Shop Tools . It is an informative resource, and well worth clicking around in. The page that discusses blogging can be found here, so I won’t try to capture all it says. But one point from that page is worth amplifying: MFG says the benefits of blogging apply whether your shop is adding a blog to its existing site or even “building your primary Web presence as a pure blog.” That’s right—the blog could be your shop’s website ....